Helping Those In Need
"It's 2022 and the economy is getting worse by the day. High inflation is placing financial burdens on all of us but, none more so than those people who are hurting, hungry, and homeless. This often means they need the basics just to survive such as food, clothing, and shelter. During 2022 and beyond, we will continue to reach out and help many of those in need, right here in our own communities in east Houston and east Harris County.
I feel that extending a friendly hand to someone who truly needs help is one of our many responsibilities as good people, and is certainly the decent thing to do whenever possible. We are all different. We come from different places, cultures, and backgrounds. We have differing views of social issues, politics, and religion. None of this is important and doesn't matter at all when a fellow human being is in need.
As a local business, we see the needs of our community up close and personal. We have determined the best way for us to help those in need. This is why Pineforest Jewelry has aligned itself with, and supports, Rotary International through the local North Shore Rotary Club. Rotary positively impacts so many lives, and makes a true difference for those in need. The motto of Rotary is “Service Above Self.” As the president of Pineforest Jewelry, and a lifetime member of Rotary, I try to exemplify the Rotary motto in my daily affairs. I live by the Rotary Four Way Test:
Is it the TRUTH?
Is it FAIR to all concerned?
Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
I am just one person attempting to change lives for the better…one person at a time…one step at a time…one day at a time. If all of us performed one small deed each day to help someone in need, think of what we could accomplish as an entire community, city, state, or even a nation! I’ve found that my efforts are magnified a hundredfold through my association with the North Shore Rotary Club.
Pineforest Jewelry is committed to the Rotary idea of “Service Above Self.” We have raised over $1,000,000 for charitable causes in the North Shore area, and surrounding communities. There are many good organizations that do amazing work in our communities. Rotary is our way to help directly, as well as helping those organizations that identify and help those in need. Rotary is the major dispensary for these funds in our community. Rotary determines where the community needs are greatest…and focuses people, time, and money to those groups dealing with specific charitable causes.
Rotary works! It works through the help of each one of us…and through all of us! Together, WE enable Rotary to work! Without each of you, we could not give back to the community as significantly as we have. So I want to personally thank you for shopping at Pineforest Jewelry. We sincerely appreciate and highly value every customer...every day. Thank you for allowing us to make a difference! We will strive to give you a WOW experience every time you visit our store or shop online at our website store. With your support, together we can continue to give our communities a WOW experience."

Diamond Jim and Linda Mills, and the staff at Pineforest Jewelry.